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来源:中学生作文指导 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2020-10-09
摘要:中学生如何解决成长烦恼英语作文1 Not since when, growing pains, in combination with many complaints to let out of me, this topic good kind. Xin qiji once said: \"young not sorrow taste\". Perhaps his boyhood carefree, along wi


Not since when, growing pains, in combination with many complaints to let out of me, this topic good kind. Xin qiji once said: \"young not sorrow taste\". Perhaps his boyhood carefree, along with the continuous development of history, the more trouble, all left us.

As I grew up, there are a lot of troubles around me. In school, most of things to talk about with parents, not only because they will talk a long, not I say one word, and my ears also can't stand so many words and so I don't want to let ears with parents that he didn't want to suffer said! However, I want to say, all every day to write in a book, and also is a diary. After writing, let oneself enjoy myself, to solve their things. Start going well, but I think my parents look very uncomfortable, I have a few things to deceive the (indeed, some of them are clearly don't want them.

That day, I come home from school, after finishing the homework, according to the conventional, get diary, suddenly, I discovered diary was moved, I suddenly fire emit three zhangs, want to know is they. I got out of the bedroom, loudly asked them whether seen my diary? They say that the legitimate instead of all know me, is their obligations.

Ican't take any more, I just want to own a piece of blue sky, why are you so selfish take it, is want to know me? I returned to the room, feel oneself have nothing, alas! Why parents in total want to know when we grow up, we don't want to let us have his own ideas, alas! So cruel!

Our lives are filled with seven colors sunlight, but even in the sunshine, also appears unavoidably short clouds. The young, there will be some lingering worries. These troubles from life, from study, the communication with students from... However, there is worry is not terrible, the key is to correct it. From now on, let us together, eliminate worries, clean with colorful dream maturity.


one possible version:

dear editor,

my biggest problem is that i’m too busy. when i was young, i used to have so much free time, but these days i stay in school all day. before i started high school, i used to spend a lot of time watching my favourite tv programmes, but now i have to study. i love music, and my mother used to take me to concerts. these days, i hardly ever have time for concerts. i have to go to different classes at weekends.

i’m very tired. i really miss the old days. i wish i wouldn’t grow up.

best wishes

rose tang

文章来源:《中学生作文指导 》 网址: http://www.zxszwzdzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2020/1009/592.html


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